§ 2.11. Future Airport Needs

Latest version.
  • Future airport needs have been determined through the airport master planning process. The Transportation Element and the Foundation Document support the findings of the Master Plan Update (2012) and this document is incorporated herein by reference.

    2.0 Transportation Element Goals, Objectives, and Policies

    Goal 2.1: To provide a safe, cost effective, and functional multi-modal transportation system for all residents of and visitors to Santa Rosa County that appropriately balances access and mobility needs with the growth and development of the County.

    Objective 2.1.A: Provide and maintain a safe, convenient, efficient, and cost effective roadway network for present and future residents.

    Policy 2.1.A.1: The Land Development Code shall contain regulations that require specified future developments to pay all costs associated with the construction of development necessitated internal roads as well as applicable research based construction standards so that future roads can be accepted by the County into the County system. Nothing in this Policy shall be interpreted to preclude the County from requiring the development to pay all the costs to the County associated with the construction of any external road or roadway improvement made necessary by the development.

    Policy 2.1.A.2: All new development projects with internal circulation and or parking needs shall be required to provide safe and convenient on-site traffic flow.

    Policy 2.1.A.3: The Land Development Code shall regulate the control of connection points to arterials and major collectors, at a minimum. The regulations established by the Land Development Code are based primarily on the standards in Florida Department of Transportation Rules 14-96 and 14-97 and shall also include requirements for joint, internalized, and cross access, driveway and parking lot design, and other principles and guidelines recommended by the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) for the specific purposes of preserving the functionality of the roadway and reducing patron's vehicle miles traveled.

    Policy 2.1.A.4: The Land Development Code shall continue to require building setbacks on all collector and arterial roadways for the purpose of preventing building encroachment and thus permitting future safe and efficient traffic circulation at a minimal cost.

    Policy 2.1.A.5: Santa Rosa County shall coordinate with the Florida Department of Transportation on access related decisions that impact the State Highway System.

    Policy 2.1.A.6: The County shall continue to participate in the Florida-Alabama TPO Traffic Signal Working Group to advocate the set aside of federal/state funds for traffic signal timing on a regular basis and to identify corridors for traffic signal timing within the County's jurisdiction.

    Policy 2.1.A.7: The County shall participate in the update of the US 90 and 98 Corridor Management Plans whose goals are to identify short term projects to improve transportation systems operation and safety. Projects are implemented as funding becomes available.

    Objective 2.1.B: Coordinate land use planning with transportation planning, including regional and state transportation planning.

    Policy 2.1.B.1: Developments requesting large scale amendments to the Future Land Use Map (greater than 10 acres in size) shall submit a traffic impact analysis including the identification of any necessary mitigation projects and utilizing the most recently adopted Congestion Management Process Plan (CMPP) and any other necessary information, including the adopted Level of Service Standards for roadways not found within the CMPP and the County's Large Scale Amendment Traffic Analysis Procedures Manual.

    Policy 2.1.B.2: Promote a functional mixture of land uses within the South End, East Milton, Milton, and Pace Planning Areas as well as within the Rural Communities Overlays in order to provide for convenient and integrated non-residential land uses within close proximity to residential land uses when such non-residential land uses present the opportunity to reduce travel times, capture pass-by traffic, or reduce arterial travel.

    Policy 2.1.B.3: Improvements needed to restore the level of service found in Policy 2.1.B.4 below will be shown in the adopted Five Year Schedule of Capital Improvements if programmed within that time frame.

    Policy 2.1.B.4: Santa Rosa County utilizes the level of service standards for roadways found in the maximum service volumes and LOS standards found within the Transportation Planning Organization's Congestion Management Program Plan (CPMM) for the review of amendments to the Future Land Use Map. For County collector and arterial roads, that are not eligible for inclusion into the CMPP but that are included in the LOS Table found within the support documentation for this Element, the County's review shall utilize the maintenance of LOS D as a basis of review.

    Policy 2.1.B.5: The County will continue to participate in the preparation of the TPO's short and long range plans. The County's participation will continue to be the provision of representation on the TPO and its committees thus assuring that necessary and desirable projects within Santa Rosa County are consistent with this Plan and with the overall transportation objectives of the County.

    Policy 2.1.B.6: To ensure continued mobility within the US 90 and 98 corridors, the County will facilitate parallel mobility within the corridors to the maximum extent possible by requiring or providing parallel roads, interconnection of development, sidewalks and bike lands whenever feasible.

    Policy 2.1.B.7: Map 2-1 shows the planned future transportation system for Santa Rosa County and is incorporated herein by reference:

    Policy 2.1.B.8: The County shall continue to request, recommend, and support the feasibility of a multi-modal Navarre Community Access Road.

    Policy 2.1.B.9: The County shall continue to request, recommend, and support the feasibility of a north-south connection from US 90 to Berryhill Road.

    Policy 2.1.B.10: The County shall continue to request, recommend, and support the feasibility of an east-west connection from SR 87 to Escambia County.

    Policy 2.1.B.11: The County will coordinate with the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) in the development of the Traffic Operations Project Priorities for inclusion in the five-year Transportation Improvement Program and in the development of the Transit Development Plan.

    Policy 2.1.B.12: Prior to approving new road construction projects for the purposes of adding capacity the County shall investigate the feasibility of alternative improvements to the existing roadway system such as: intersection improvements; synchronization of traffic signals; traffic calming measures; installation of auxiliary lanes; redesign and realignment of roadways; and multi-modal systems.


    Objective 2.1.C: Provide for multi-modal transportation facilities that are viable transportation alternatives, promote community health, and are safe non-motorized transportation facilities for mobility and recreation.

    Policy 2.1.C.1: Santa Rosa County shall coordinate with the TPO on the development of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The County will seek to include projects identified in this plan in the Capital Improvements Element when financially feasible or seek outside funding, from sources such as TPO set aside, Transportation Alternatives Program, Community Traffic Safety Team, Safe Routes to School, and others, to advance their completion.

    Policy 2.1.C.2: Santa Rosa County shall coordinate with the West Florida Commuter Assistance Program (RideOn) and Florida Department of Transportation to facilitate carpooling and van-pooling in an effort to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips, increase commuter travel options and implement employer based transportation demand management strategies in order to enhance the efficiency of the existing transportation infrastructure, decrease vehicle miles traveled, reduce recurring congestion and, specifically, to preserve existing capacity during peak daily travel times.

    Policy 2.1.C.3: The County shall explore grant opportunities and other funding sources to implement transit as an alternate mode of travel in accordance with Transit Development Plans, Transportation Planning Organization Long Range Transportation Plans, and the Santa Rosa County Transit Feasibility Study completed in August of 2008.

    Policy 2.1.C.4: It is the policy of the County to reduce hazardous walking conditions within the vicinity of public schools. The County, in coordination with the School Board, shall implement the following strategies:


    New developments adjacent to school properties shall be required to provide a right-of-way and a direct access path for pedestrian travel to existing and planned school sites, and shall connect to the neighborhood's existing pedestrian network;


    New development and redevelopment within 2 miles of an existing or planned school, the County shall promote sidewalks (complete, unobstructed, and continuous with a minimum width of 5 feet) along the corridor that directly serves the school, or qualifies as an acceptably designed walk or bicycle route to the school. This can be accomplished by installation of a route across the project parcel roadway frontage along any corridor that serves the school or payment in lieu of installation;


    In order to ensure continuous pedestrian access to public schools, priority will be given to cases of hazardous walking conditions pursuant to Section 1006.23, Florida Statutes; and


    Evaluate school zones to consider safe crossing of children along major roadways, including prioritized areas for sidewalk improvements including; schools with a high number of pedestrian and bicycle injuries or fatalities, schools requiring courtesy busing for hazardous walking conditions, schools with significant walking populations, but poor pedestrian and bicycle access, and needed safety improvements.

    Policy 2.1.C.5: The County shall, as necessary, ensure that development includes features that encourage cross access, bicycle use and pedestrian movement to minimize utilization of the major roadway network, particularly in urban or urbanizing areas.

    Policy 2.1.C.6: All new development projects with internal circulation and or parking needs shall be required to provide safe and convenient labor intensive transportation facilities such as sidewalks, cross walks, throughways, and bicycle parking to accommodate the needs of the development project. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to limit further Land Development Code requirements for frontage road sidewalks or bike facilities.

    Policy 2.1.C.7: New Residential developments of a specified density shall be required to construct sidewalks internal to the development that connect to external facilities, if existing, as specified within the Land Development Code.

    Policy 2.1.C.8: New subdivisions shall incorporate sidewalks within the subdivision and leading to schools based on traffic volumes and proximity to schools.

    Policy 2.1.C.9: The County will support connections and improvement of Old State Road 1 (Old Brick Road), the Blackwater Heritage Trail, and the Bagdad Heritage Trail as alternate modes of travel between Milton, Bagdad, East Milton, and Naval Air Station Whiting Field.

    Objective 2.1.D: Encourage accessible public transportation for the transportation disadvantaged.

    Policy 2.1.D.1: Continue to support the coordination of local social service transportation by the designated provider.

    Policy 2.1.D.2: Continue to work with the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) on the development of the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan.

    Policy 2.1.D.3: In coordination with the Community Transportation Coordinator, the Florida-Alabama TPO and the Florida Department of Transportation, the County shall consider expansion of public transportation services.

    Policy 2.1.D.4: If fixed route public transportation is planned, stops will include major traffic generators or attractors and will try to connect people with destinations depending on the purpose of the route: access to jobs, shopping, recreation, medical, education, etc.

    Objective 2.1.E: Provide measures to relieve financial constraints on improvements to the transportation system.

    Policy 2.1.E.1: Encourage greater state and federal participation in funding transportation projects and local adoption of measures to augment these revenue sources if needed.

    Policy 2.1.E.2: Seek outside grant funding to construct or advance construction of transportation projects within Santa Rosa County.

    Policy 2.1.E.3: Equitably distribute transportation costs by requiring development projects to construct appropriate transportation improvements on the public transportation system in accordance with the development's impact. These improvements can include, but are not limited to, ingress/egress lanes, traffic control measures and turn lanes within the development's area of impact.

    Policy 2.1.E.4: The Santa Rosa County Land Development Code will continue to include provisions for entering into development agreements in order for developers to implement infrastructure improvements as a condition of a development order.

    Policy 2.1.E.5: The County shall use measures of congestion to prioritize roadway transportation projects in the Capital Improvements Element.

    Policy 2.1.E.6: Based on the traffic impact analysis provided by the applicant, development projects requiring large scale amendments to the Future Land Use Map may be provided the option of entering into a development agreement that specifies one or more of the following: paying a mitigation fee; providing right or way or land in the form of a development exaction; providing for a physical improvement; development phasing; or a reduction in development potential as a means of mitigating any impacts generated by the development.

    Objective 2.1.F: To provide safe, coordinated, economical and attractive aviation facilities to meet the private aviation demand requirements of the County.

    Policy 2.1.F.1: The Santa Rosa County Land Development Code contains regulations addressing noise abatement, the height of structures, land use compatibility and Airport Environs Overlay Zones.

    Policy 2.1.F.2: The County will support the Peter Prince Airport improvements identified as desirable in the 2015 "Master Plan Update".

    Policy 2.1.F.3: All development and expansion of existing or proposed aviation facilities shall be consistent with the adopted herein Future Land Use Map and the goals, objectives, and policies of the Conservation and Coastal Management Elements of this Plan.

    Policy 2.1.F.4: The County will continue to cooperate with the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) and the Florida Department of Transportation in order to provide access and mobility to Peter Prince Airport.

    Policy 2.1.F.5: The County will continue to cooperate with CSX Transportation and the Florida Department of Transportation so that access to Peter Prince Airport by rail is maintained.

(Ord. No. 2016-25 , § 1, 12-12-16)