§ 2.3. Relationship to Other Elements of the Comprehensive Plan  

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  • The Transportation Element is closely related to many of the other Comprehensive Plan Elements. A key relationship exists between this Element and the Future Land Use Element, which provides an overall blueprint for the future growth patterns within the County. Land use decisions will determine transportation demands and those areas where investments in transportation improvements are necessary.

    The Recreation Element determines the location and types of recreational facilities for which access is necessary, as well as addressing conversions of abandoned transportation facilities to active recreational trails, and the establishment of an overall system of bikeways and pedestrian trails.

    The Infrastructure Element addresses public water and sewer, stormwater and solid waste, thereby helping to shape development trends within the planning horizon and influencing the analysis of transportation demand and facility need.

    The Conservation/Coastal Element identifies all County natural resources in need of management and conservation, due to their function or characteristics. This includes management of transportation services for the purposes of both conservation and hazard mitigation.

    The Intergovernmental Coordination Element provides opportunities to improve the County's collaboration and coordination with other agencies, such as the Florida Department of Transportation, the Transportation Planning Organization, as well as neighboring Counties and jurisdictions, in transportation planning and provision of transportation services in the region.

    The Capital Improvements Element reflects the plan for transportation capital outlay, which should support the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of this Element.