Appendix 4.0. Infrastructure Element Supporting Documentation  

§ 4.1. Wastewater Infrastructure
§ 4.2. Solid Waste
§ 4.3. Stormwater
§ 4.4. Potable Water

The Infrastructure Element consists of policies related to sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, and natural groundwater aquifer recharge. The element addresses coordinating the extension of, or increase in the capacity of, facilities to meet future needs while maximizing the use of existing facilities and discouraging urban sprawl; conserving potable water resources; and protecting the functions of natural groundwater recharge areas and natural drainage features. This section of the Support Documentation contains the data and analyses required—including a description of problems and needs and the general facilities that will be required for solution of the problems and needs.

Planning Area Framework

In order to provide an analysis of the County's Future Land Use and Existing Land Use Maps as well as the policies contained within the Comprehensive Plan, the County has been divided into six separate and distinct planning areas (Reference Map 2-1 of the Future Land Use Element Supporting Documentation).

These planning areas have been developed considering the availability of centralized water and sewer services, particularly the franchise areas for the existing water and sewer providers within the County. Along these lines, this planning area framework is depicted on all of the maps included in this section for analysis purposes.