§ 5.2. Relationship of other Elements of the Comprehensive Plan  

Latest version.
  • The Future Land Use Element and its accompanying Future Land Use Map provides the blueprint and growth management strategies for managing the County's future development. The Coastal Management Element provides the foundation and the detailed policies necessary for the county's coastal resources. It also directs development standards necessary to conserving the county's unique natural resources while allowing development to co-exist in a compatible and sustainable way.

    The Parks and Recreation Element uses the information from the Coastal Management Element to determine which coastal resources are most conducive to recreational uses based on the current and future needs of the county. The Infrastructure Element is directly related to the Coastal Management Element. The impacts of the existing and proposed facilities (drainage, water supply and waste water disposal) on natural systems must be considered during the establishment of the Level of Service (LOS) for water and sewer facilities, facility siting criteria and the overall policies regarding the county's growth- related infrastructure.

    The Transportation Element deals with the county's moving people and goods in and through Santa Rosa County. Transportation facilities frequently fragment and isolate natural communities, which eventually leads to the destruction of both aesthetic and biological functions of the natural environment. The policies of the Transportation and Coastal Management Element must be mutually supportive to ensure that transportation system design minimizes impacts to the environment. The Intergovernmental Coordination Element provides opportunities to improve the County's collaboration and coordination with other local, state and federal agencies. These include agencies involved in coastal management issues.

    Map 5-1 Hurricane Vulnerability Zones
    Santa Rosa County, Florida

    Map 5-2 Coastal Area and Existing Land Use
    Santa Rosa County, Florida