§ 9.5. Coordination with Authorities, Special Districts and Advisory Committees  

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  • There are many local authorities, special districts, and advisory committees that perform services, and make recommendations to the County. Most of these groups are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, or elected by the people in a general election. Private citizen groups may be included in rare cases when they are actively engaged in special studies. Each one of these groups play an important part in the County's government by getting information to the County.

    Information on the selected citizen advisory boards below. In many cases, local authorities and districts are created under special provisions of State Law, and these groups may operate independently. Therefore, the profile information provided on these entities also includes the status, revenue source, and board selection.

    These groups assist in the local government decision-making process by offering citizen input and by developing committee studies. These local groups, committees, special districts, and local agencies have been successful for the County. The Board of County Commissioners will continue to appoint committees and to work with independent entities to study many issues important to County residents.

    9.5.1 Operating Authorities

    Santa Rosa County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

    Purpose: To encourage the development of affordable housing in Santa Rosa County including SHIP administration.

    Status: Dependent.

    Board Selection: The Board of County Commissioners acts as the Authority Board.

    Revenue Source: This authority works with the Escambia County Housing Authority to issue Tax Exempt Bonds to assist in creating capital for new affordable housing in Santa Rosa County, as approved by the BOCC.

    Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority

    Purpose: To manage the Garcon Point Bridge.

    Status: Independent.

    Board Selection: Seven-members, 3 members appointed by the Governor and 3 members appointed by the County Commission and the District III Department of Transportation Secretary as an ex-officio member.

    Revenue Source: Tolls.

    Tourist Development Council

    Purpose: To promote tourism and oversee the tourist development tax.

    Board Selection: A nine member board appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.

    Revenue Source: Tourist Development Tax (AKA "Bed Tax"), and state grant funds.

    9.5.2 Special Districts

    Avalon Beach/Mulat Fire Protection District

    Purpose: To provide fire control and prevention.

    Status: Independent.

    Board Selection: A board is elected by residents of their district.

    Revenue Source: The board can levy assessments or millage within the district.

    Holley-Navarre Fire Protection District

    Purpose: To provide fire control and prevention.

    Status: Independent.

    Board Selection: A board is elected by residents of their district.

    Revenue Source: The board can levy assessments or millage within the district.

    Midway Fire Protection District

    Purpose: To provide fire control and prevention.

    Status: Independent.

    Board Selection: A board is elected by residents within the district.

    Revenue Source: The board can levy assessments or millage within the district.

    Blackwater Soil and Water Conservation District

    Purpose: To provide technical assistance to agricultural producers, local government agencies and property owners in making land use decisions. In addition, it encourages practices that conserve soil and water while maintaining or improving production.

    Status: Dependent.

    Board Selection: The District is composed of five (5) supervisors who are non-salaried, locally elected public officials. The members work with the USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly known as the Soil Conservation Service ), to protect and improve land and water resources within the County.

    Revenue Source: Funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Santa Rosa County.

    9.5.3 Citizen Advisory Committees

    Bagdad Architectural Advisory Board (AAB)

    Purpose: To review all new restoration or new construction projects within the Bagdad Historic District prior to issuance of any County building permits and after review by the Planning, Zoning and Development Division.

    Santa Rosa County Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals

    Purpose: To review complaints against individuals or contractors as it relates to the Building Code.

    Santa Rosa County Zoning Board

    Purpose: To serve in an advisory capacity to the County Commission on all matters relating to the County's Land Development Regulations as they pertain to the unincorporated County, including growth and development, land, zoning or amendments to the Land Development Regulations and making recommendations on changes and amendments to the Comprehensive Plan.

    Other active boards and committees include the Fire Protection Board of Adjustments and Appeals, the Emergency Services Advisory Committee, Citizen Advisory Task Force (Neighborhood Stabilization Program), and the Aviation Advisory Committee.