§ 1.7. Plan Implementation

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  • The following graphic ( Figure 1-1 ) provides the main mechanisms by which the County's Comprehensive Plan is implemented on an ongoing basis. In addition, other special planning efforts or projects can be implemented via inclusion into the Comprehensive Plan. For instance, elements or recommendations of the South End Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan or the Rural Development Plan are integrated into the Comprehensive Plan.

    When amendments for land use changes are processed, these amendments are reviewed for consistency with the various elements of the Plan, particularly the Future Land Use, Infrastructure, and Conservation Elements. In this manner, the Plan provides guidance on future development proposals. The Plan is also implemented in part by the annual update of the Five Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. While public dollars will always be limited, capital projects that facilitate growth and development in accordance with the Plan ultimately implement the Plan. Finally, the County's Land Development Code is the primary implementation mechanism that is utilized on a day to day basis. The Land Development Code contains regulations that are authorized by the Comprehensive Plan and ensure that the County is achieving the overall development related guidance that is contained within the Plan.

    Figure 1-1: Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan