§ 10-135. Enforcement.  

Latest version.
  • The owner of any abandoned motor vehicle or boat who, after notice as provided in this article, does not remove the vehicle or boat within the specified period shall be liable to the county for all costs of removal and destruction of such property, less any salvage value received by the county. Upon such removal and destruction, the enforcement officer shall notify the owner of the amount owed and of the penalty provision of this section. In the case of an abandoned boat, any person who neglects or refuses to pay such amount shall not be entitled to be issued a certificate of registration for any other boat until such costs have been paid. The enforcement officer shall supply the department of natural resources with a list of persons whose boat registration privileges have been revoked under this article and neither the department of natural resources nor the tax collector or other person acting as agent thereof shall issue a certificate of registration to a person whose boat registration privilege has been revoked, as provided by this section, until such costs have been paid. In the case of an abandoned motor vehicle, any person who neglects or refuses to pay such amount shall be subject to a fine of $100.00.

(Ord. No. 2011-03, § 5, 2-10-11)