§ 14-135. Application; fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person desiring a permit to conduct solicitation or canvassing activities in the county must make application therefore. The application for a solicitor's or canvasser's permit shall be in a form prescribed by the county administrator and shall contain the following information:


    Date of the application.


    Name and address of the applicant.


    Name and address of the person by whom the applicant is employed or whom such applicant represents, if any.


    Name, address and relationship to the applicant of all persons who may engage in solicitation or canvassing activities for or on behalf of the applicant.


    The place of residence and nature of employment of the applicant during the preceding year.


    A brief description of the nature, character, quality and price of the goods, wares, merchandise or subscriptions that are to be offered by the applicant.


    A description of the planned soliciting or canvassing activities.


    A personal description of the applicant and of each person who may engage in solicitation or canvassing activities for or on behalf of the applicant.


    If employed, credentials establishing the exact relationship of the applicant with the employer.




    The fingerprints of the applicant and all persons identified pursuant to subsection (a)(4) of this section.


    A statement as to whether or not the applicant and all persons identified pursuant to subsection (a)(4) of this section have been convicted of or plead nolo contendere to any crime, including a misdemeanor, or the violation of any municipal ordinance, the nature of the offense and the punishment or penalty assessed therefore.


    A statement by the applicant and all persons identified pursuant to subsection (a)(4) of this section consenting to and expressly authorizing the county, through its sheriff's department, staff or any third party retained by the county, to perform criminal background searches, criminal history investigations and personal character investigations of the applicant.


    The names of municipalities, counties or other governmental entities in whose jurisdictions and from whom the applicant and all persons identified pursuant to subsection (a)(4) of this section have received license, permission, authority or the like to solicit or canvass in the two years next proceeding the date of the application.


    The fee which shall be charged by the county for any permit issued under this division shall be as follows:


    For a permit effective up to 90 days, $95.00; this fee includes a $5.00 charge to cover the costs associated with the applicant's identification badge/permit.


    For a permit effective up to 180 days, $185.00; this fee includes a $5.00 charge to cover the costs associated with the applicant's identification badger/permit; and


    For a permit effective up to 365 days, $370.00; this fee includes a $5.00 charge to cover the costs associated with the applicant's identification badge/permit.

    The fee shall be paid at the time the application for the permit is submitted. The fee shall entitle one natural person, as designated by the applicant upon the application, to engage in solicitation or canvassing activities in the county. There shall be a fee of $10.00 for each additional natural person who may engage in solicitation or canvassing activities for or on behalf of the applicant. Those applicants who obtain a permit on behalf of the applicant for the $10.00 fee shall be subject to the same expiration date as the initial permit. Solicitation permit identification badges will be issued by the Santa Rosa County Emergency Management Department upon clearance by the county administrator or its designee. The identification badge will display a current picture of the applicant taken by the Santa Rosa County Emergency Management Department, permit number, permit expiration date, permit holder's full name, permit holder's date of birth, race, sex, and the employer's address.


    Permits are not effective until an identification badge has been issued and picked up by the applicant.

(Ord. No. 2002-27, § 5, 11-14-02; Ord. No. 2014-01, § 1, 1-23-14)