§ 18-32. Litter and abandoned property storage.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All commercial establishments shall store their litter in containers so as to eliminate wind-driven debris and unsightly litter in and about their establishments. The number and size of containers necessary for each commercial establishment shall be as required to maintain a clean, neat, sanitary premise. Spillage and overflow around containers shall immediately be cleaned up as it occurs.


    All loading and unloading zones at commercial establishments shall be provided with litter receptacles by the generator to store loose debris, paper, cardboard, packaging materials, and similar materials.


    It shall be the duty of any and every person, corporation, company, lessee, agent owning or operating any public establishment or public place to provide receptacles adequate to contain litter generated from such establishment.


    It shall be the duty of every person, corporation, company, firm, owner, lessee or agent in possession, charge of or in control of any place, public or private, where litter is accumulated or generated, to provide and at all times to keep said litter in adequate and suitable receptacles and/or containers capable of holding such materials until proper final disposal is accomplished.


    Any unauthorized accumulation of litter on any property, vacant or occupied, premises, public street, alley or other public place or private place is a violation of this article.


    It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or permit the keeping, dumping, storing, placing, or depositing of abandoned property on any real property, street, or highway unless in connection with a business enterprise lawfully situated and licensed for the same, or in a completely closed building. If in connection with a business enterprise lawfully situated and licensed, all abandoned property shall be screened so that it is not visible from any public right of way or any property used for residential purposes. It shall be unlawful to keep or permit the keeping, dumping, storing, placing, or depositing of abandoned property in any recorded residential subdivision, unless kept in a completely closed building.


    Agricultural activities. Equipment, vehicles, parts and supplies used for a bona fide commercial agricultural activity, located in an agriculturally zoned district, shall be exempt from the provisions of this article.

(Ord. No. 2006-41, § 7, 12-14-06)

Cross reference

Abandoned property, § 10-131 et seq.