§ 18-64. Residential solid waste collection permits.  

Latest version.
  • Permits required under section 18-63 shall be issued in the following manner:


    Applications: Any person desiring to obtain a permit shall file application for a permit with the director on application forms provided by the director and shall accompany such application with:


    Name and address of the applicant, showing its legal identity (individual, partnership, corporation, etc.).


    The business address of the applicant.


    An inventory of all equipment to be used in such collection, transportation, or disposal.


    Issuance of county permits shall not relieve applicants from obtaining any required state or federal permits.


    Proof of all required workers' compensation insurance and insurance as follows:


    Commercial general liability insurance covering claims by any persons on account of injury to or death of a person occasioned by the solid waste collection operation, with minimum limits of $50,000.00 per occurrence.


    Business auto liability insurance with limits of $100,000.00 combined single limits per occurrence for bodily injury and personal injury.


    Worker's Compensation insurance coverage as is required by the laws of the State of Florida.


    The collectors shall provide the county with annual proof of insurance, failure to provide such evidence shall be grounds for revocation of the permit.


    The collector shall notify the county of changes, renewals, and/or cancellation by certified written notice at least 30 days prior to any change, renewal and/or cancellation.


    Statement of desired duration of permit, if less than one year.


    Application fee established by resolution of the board.


    The geographic area to be served.


    The approximate number of customers.


    All other information reasonably required by the director to fulfill the intent of this article.


    Inspections: Upon receipt of a completed application the director shall inspect all facilities and equipment to be used in the applicant's activity.


    Issuance: Upon determining that the activity, service or facility for which the permit is sought will comply with the terms of this article and with all county regulations and ordinances, the director shall grant a permit allowing the pursuit of such activity upon such terms and conditions as the director may deem to be in the public interest.


    Modifications: If the director determines that a permit should not be issued based upon the above criteria, but if in the director's opinion, modification can be made which will bring the application within the intent and purposes of this article, he shall notify the applicant or applicants in writing, setting forth the correction to be made and the time in which such correction shall be completed.


    Denial: If the applicant fails to make the corrections pursuant to the notice mentioned above within the time limit specified therein, or, if the director previously determined that a permit should not be issued based on the above criteria, the application shall be denied and the applicant notified, in writing, stating therein the reasons for denial. Nothing in this section shall prevent any applicant from reapplying after the rejection of his application, provided the requirements of this article are met. Appeals of such denials may be made in the manner provided for appeals or revocation of permits in subsection (10), following.


    Duration: When issued, such permit shall be effective for the period of time necessary to accomplish the desired service, activity, or facility operation, up to a period of one year from the granting thereof. Permits for service in that area of Santa Rosa County south of the East River shall be issued or renewed only for such period as approved by the board of county commissioners.


    Permit renewal: Any permit holder desiring to renew an existing permit shall complete and submit to the director an application therefore not more than 45 days nor less than 15 days before the expiration date thereof and shall tender with each application form such permit fees as are required by resolution of the board of county commissioners.


    Permit number, display: All motor vehicles operating under any permit required by this article shall display the permit number or numbers on each side, in colors which contrast with that of the vehicle, such numbers to be clearly legible and not less than six inches high.


    Equipment: All equipment used in collection and transportation of solid waste shall be constructed, operated and maintained in such a manner as to minimize health safety hazards to solid waste collector personnel and the public. All vehicles shall be maintained in good mechanical condition, shall be enclosed or adequate provisions shall be made for suitable cover to prevent contents from escaping in accordance with Chapter 316, Florida Statutes; and shall be kept clean so as to prevent propagation and attraction of vectors and the creation of sanitary nuisances.


    Garbage and putrescible wastes: Garbage and putrescible waste shall be transported in enclosed vehicles with metal containers which are water tight, impervious and suitable to protect the contents from flies, insects, and rodents.

(Ord. No. 2007-16, § 4, 6-28-07; Ord. No. 2010-09, § 1, 4-8-10)