§ 19.5-3. Permit.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Required. The following event types require a permit:


    An event that is expected to draw 1,000 or more persons at any session as participants or spectators, which is proposed to be held on public or private property and which will substantially and demonstrably promote tourism in Santa Rosa County unless the event is to be held on a county property operated through a management agreement; or


    An event at which alcohol is expected to be sold or consumed at times or locations not otherwise allowed by Santa Rosa County Ordinances, including Ordinance 77-01;


    Application. At least 60 days prior to the scheduled start of the event, the completed application with descriptive plans for all arrangements must be submitted to the TDC director for review and recommendation along with any applicable fees as set by resolution as may be amended from time to time. The applicant must comply with any and all conditions set forth in the application by the required sign-off agencies and as required by the county administrator or designee. For planning purposes, the applicant may request reservation of county property for their event in advance of submitting the permit application. Such reservation requires approval by the board at a regularly scheduled meeting.


    Conditions. The county reserves the right to establish such additional conditions, criteria or detailed specifications for the special event permit as it may deem necessary to carry out the intent of this section, for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare of the public.


    Advertising. No person, corporation, partnership, or other organization may advertise, conduct, maintain, or sell or furnish tickets for a special event in Santa Rosa County unless and until that person or entity has obtained a permit from the county.


    Insurance. The applicant, at its sole expense, agrees to procure and maintain in force during the entire term of the event, liability insurance in the amounts determined by county risk management to protect against damages or other claims arising from use of county property by the applicant or its guests. Other limits may also be established by county risk management for events which will be serving or consuming alcoholic beverages at approved county property. The insurance policy must also include coverage for the applicant's contingent liability on damages, claims or losses. "Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners" must be named as "additional insured" on the certificate of insurance, and the certificate must be delivered to Santa Rosa County prior to the applicant's use of the property. The insurance may not be canceled during the term of the event, if this occurs, the county has the right to revoke approvals related to use of the county property for the event, without recourse by the applicant.


    Bond. At its discretion, subject to other applicable laws or ordinances, the county may require an indemnity and/or performance security bond for an event. The bond must be with a corporate bonding company authorized to do business in the State of Florida, or a cash bond in the form of a cashier's check payable to the board. The bond must indemnify Santa Rosa County, its agents or employees against any and all claims arising out of the preparations, conduct or aftermath of the event.

(Ord. No. 2015-28 , § 3, 11-12-15; Ord. No. 2016-19 , § 1, 7-14-16)