§ 19-46. Adoption of rate resolution and annual street lighting assessment roll.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The rate resolution shall fix and establish the assessment to be imposed in each parcel category.


    On or before August 1 of each year, the board shall adopt by resolution a tentative rate resolution establishing the Assessments proposed to be imposed against each parcel in the unit for the purpose of providing street lighting services. Upon adoption by the board of the tentative rate resolution, the county administrator shall cause to be prepared a preliminary annual assessment roll and upon completion shall file such preliminary roll with the clerk for public inspection.


    The board shall hold a public hearing to adopt the rate resolution and the annual assessment roll for the ensuing fiscal year. Such hearing shall be held between June 1 and September 15.

    At such public hearing, the board shall hear comments and objections from owners and other members of the public as to the proposed assessments and shall review the preliminary assessment roll prepared by the county administrator for preparation in conformity with the tentative rate resolution and this article. The board shall also hear comments or objections from any owner or member of the public as to the method of apportionment of the cost of funding the street lighting against any parcel within the unit. The board shall make such increase, decrease or revision to any proposed assessment, as it shall deem necessary or appropriate and shall adopt a rate resolution. In addition, the board shall make such changes, modifications or additions as necessary to conform the preliminary annual assessment roll with the adopted rate resolution and this article. The board may continue said public hearing to a date and time certain without the necessity of further public notice to allow prior to final adoption increases, decreases or revisions to the tentative rate resolution or changes, modification or additions to the preliminary assessment roll or for such other reason deemed necessary in the sole discretion of the board. If upon completion of such public hearing the board shall be satisfied that the annual assessment roll has been prepared in conformity with the rate resolution and this article, it shall ratify and confirm such roll and the chairman of the board shall certify the roll to the tax collector no later than September 15 of each year, unless a subsequent date is approved by the tax collector.


    Notice of the date, time and place of the public hearing for the adoption of the rate resolution and the assessment roll shall be as provided in F.S. § 197.3632(4)(b) (Supp.)(1988).


    Notwithstanding the mailing or publication of a proposed schedule of assessments, the board shall have full and absolute discretion at such public hearing to increase, decrease or revise any proposed street lighting assessment.

(Ord. No. 99-08, § 6, 6-10-99)