§ 19-611. Findings.  

Latest version.
  • It is hereby ascertained, determined, and declared that:


    The Santa Rosa County Fire/Rescue MSBU was created by Ordinance 2007-36 to provide funding for a fire preparedness unit for non-district volunteer fire departments.


    The Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners finds that the public will greatly benefit by assuring that the fire departments are provided with funding to meet their basic needs with the goal that such funding will improve fire/rescue service and assist in the lowering of fire insurance rates.


    The Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners finds that the most equitable method of providing such funding is through the creation of a Santa Rosa County Fire/Rescue Municipal Service Benefit Unit (unit) for the areas served by the non-district fire departments.

    The Unincorporated Santa Rosa County Fire Assessment Program Update FY 18-19 by Government Services Group, Inc., dated June 5, 2018, is accepted and incorporated herein as exhibit A.

    The unit will utilize non-ad valorem assessments based on property parcel category to ensure that all citizens receiving fire/rescue service contribute their fair share towards the funding of such service.

    Santa Rosa County is authorized by F.S. chs. 125 and 197 to implement the provisions of this article.

    (Ord. No. 2018-10 , § 1, 7-26-18)

    Note— The attached exhibit A referred to in this section is not set out herein, but is on file as an attachment to Ord. No. 2018-10 in the office of the county clerk.