§ 19-645. Determination of annual assessments and charges; public hearing.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It is hereby declared that providing for the construction of subdivision improvements is a benefit and improvement to all real property in the unit regardless of use and occupancy of such property. The construction of the subdivision improvements directly improves and benefits all real property that is practical and compatible with the health and safety of all citizens in the unit.


    There is hereby imposed on the assessment date against each parcel in the unit an assessment for the provision of underground utilities as provided under the provisions of this article.


    The amount of the assessment imposed each fiscal year against each parcel shall be at the rate established in the rate resolution adopted pursuant to this article.


    It is the intent of the board that the costs of construction of the subdivision improvements shall be amortized over a number of years. The amount of the assessment and number of years to be imposed shall be specified in the rate resolution. Said resolution may be amended or modified as provided by this article and law.

(Ord. No. 2008-23, § 5, 6-12-08)