§ 21-14. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • When used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the content clearly requires. To the extent there is any conflict between the definitions set out below and the definitions set forth in section 3.00.01 of the Santa Rosa County Land Development Code, the definitions contained in section 3.00.01 prevail.

    Capital improvements element shall mean the element of the County Comprehensive Plan which includes a schedule of capital improvements.

    Concurrency shall mean transportation facilities needed to serve new development shall be in place or under actual construction within three years after the local government approves a building permit or its functional equivalent that results in traffic generation, F.S. § 163.3180(2)(c). While F.S. § 163.3180 addresses concurrency of other infrastructure as well, in this article, concurrency refers to transportation.

    Concurrency administrator shall mean the county staff who administer the county's concurrency management system.

    Concurrency management system (CMS) shall consist of the following:


    A requirement that the local government shall maintain the adopted level of service (LOS) standards for roads within the area for which such local government has authority to issue development orders and development permits;


    A requirement that the local government capital improvements element sets forth a financially feasible plan which demonstrates that the adopted LOS will be achieved and maintained by the end of the planning period even if in a particular year such improvements are not concurrent;


    A system for monitoring and ensuring adherence to the adopted LOS standards, the schedule of capital improvements, and the availability of transportation capacity;


    Guidelines for interpreting and applying LOS standards to applications for development orders and development permits and determining when the test for concurrency must be met; and


    A requirement that the local government shall adopt land development regulations which specify and implement provisions of the concurrency management system and, as a minimum, provide a program that ensures that development permits are issued in a manner that will not result in a reduction in the levels of service below the adopted LOS standards for the affected facility.

    Development of regional impact (DRI) shall mean a development which, because of its character, magnitude, or location would have a substantial effect upon the health, safety or welfare of citizens of more than one (1) county. F.S. ch. 380.06, establishes the procedure by which the review of these projects is to be coordinated by Florida's regional planning councils. Locally, the West Florida Regional Planning Council coordinates DRI reviews.

    Developer improvement shall mean one (1) or more of the following: donation of right-of-way, construction of an improvement to an existing transportation facility, construction of a new transportation facility, improvement of an existing transportation service or implementation of a new transportation service.

    Development trips shall mean only those trips that trigger a concurrency deficiency to be included in the proportionate fair-share calculation.

    Financial feasibility shall mean that sufficient revenues are currently available or will be available from committed funding sources for the first three (3) years, or will be available from committed or planned sources for years four (4) and five (5), of a capital improvement schedule for financing capital improvements, such as ad valorem taxes, bonds, state and federal funds, tax revenues, impact fees, and developer contributions, which are adequate to fund the projected cost of capital improvements identified in the comprehensive plan necessary to ensure that the adopted level of service standards are achieved and maintained within the period covered by five-year schedule of capital improvements. A comprehensive plan shall be deemed financially feasible for transportation and school facilities throughout the planning period addressed by the capital improvements schedule if it can be demonstrated that the level of service standards will be achieved and maintained by the end of the planning period even if in a particular year such improvements are not concurrent as required by F.S. § 163.3180 (F.S. § 163.3164 (32)). Financial feasibility shall be determined using professionally accepted methodologies and shall apply to the five-year planning period, except in the case of a long-term transportation or school concurrency management system, in which case financial feasibility requirements shall apply to the ten-year period or the 15-year period (F.S. § 163.3177 (2)).

    Level of service (LOS) for highways shall mean a quantitative stratification of the quality of service to a typical traveler on a facility into six (6) letter grade levels with "A" describing the highest quality and "F" describing the lowest quality. The indicated LOS standards designate lowest acceptable operating conditions for the 100th highest volume hour in the year in the predominant flow direction. The 100th highest hour represents the typical peak hour during the peak season. (Rule 14-94.002, F.A.C.) The adopted LOS for roads in Santa Rosa County can be found in Article 5 of the Land Development Code.

    Long-term concurrency management system shall mean a concurrency management system based on a 10- or 15-year schedule of capital improvements, rather than the traditional five-year schedule. Approval for a 15-year schedule must be obtained from the Florida Department of Community Affairs.

    Maximum service volume shall mean the highest number of vehicles for a given level of service.

    Multimodal transportation district (MMTD) shall mean an area in which secondary priority is given to vehicle mobility and primary priority is given to assuring a safe, comfortable and attractive pedestrian environment with convenient interconnection to transit. Local government comprehensive plans may establish multimodal LOS standards within MMTDs pursuant to F.S. § 163.3180(15).

    Proportionate fair-share shall mean a contribution in the form of funds, right-of-way or construction of improvements by a developer in order to achieve transportation concurrency for a sub-DRI development project whose trip generation adds trips to a roadway operating below the adopted LOS standard or causing the roadway to operate below the adopted LOS standard, and no improvement is programmed within three (3) years to achieve the adopted standard.

    Strategic intermodal system (SIS) shall mean the statewide and interregional transportation facilities and services pursuant to F.S. § 339.64-64. In Santa Rosa County, SIS facilities are I-10 and SR 87 from US 98 to 1-10.

    Transportation concurrency exception area (TCEA) shall mean an area in which the local government may grant a transportation concurrency exception as provided in F.S. § 163.3180(5).

    Transportation concurrency management area (TCMA) shall mean a geographically compact area with an existing network of roads where multiple, viable alternative travel paths or modes are available for common trips. A TCMA may be designated in the local government comprehensive plan in accordance and F.S. § 163.3180.

    Transportation improvement program (TIP) shall mean the annually updated five-year program of transportation projects published by a TPO pursuant to F.S. § 339.175(6)(a).

    Transportation planning organization (TPO) shall mean the organization established pursuant to F.S. § 339.175, to develop, in cooperation with state and public transit operators, transportation plans and programs for metropolitan areas. Locally, the term "transportation planning organization" serves the function designated for a "metropolitan planning organization" in the statute. Each Santa Rosa County Commissioner is a member of the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO).

    Transportation regional incentive program (TRIP) shall mean the grant program established by the state to improve regionally significant transportation facilities in regional transportation areas pursuant to F.S. §§ 339.155 and 339.2819.

(Ord. No. 2008-07, § 5, 3-27-08)