§ 21-20. Impact fee credit for proportionate fair-share mitigation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Proportionate fair-share contributions shall be applied as a credit against impact fees to the extent that all or a portion of the proportionate fair-share mitigation is used to address the same capital infrastructure improvements contemplated by the local government's impact fee ordinance.


    Impact fee credits for the proportionate fair-share contribution will be determined when the transportation impact fee obligation is calculated for the proposed development. Impact fees owed by the applicant will be reduced per the proportionate fair-share agreement as they become due per the county impact fee ordinance. If the applicant's proportionate fair-share obligation is less than the development's anticipated road impact fee for the specific stage or phase of development under review, then the applicant or its successor must pay the remaining impact fee amount to the county pursuant to the requirements of the county impact fee ordinance. Proportionate fair-share may not be paid over seven (7) years but must be paid at one (1) time pursuant to section 21-21 of this article.


    Major projects not included within the local government's impact fee ordinance or created under section 21-16(b)(1) and (2) which can demonstrate a significant benefit to the impacted transportation system may be eligible at the local government's discretion for impact fee credits.


    The proportionate fair-share obligation is intended to mitigate the transportation impacts of a proposed development at a specific location. As a result, any road impact fee credit based upon proportionate fair-share contributions for a proposed development cannot be transferred to any other location unless provided for within the local impact fee ordinance.

(Ord. No. 2008-07, § 11, 3-27-08)