§ 6-1. Convenience stores.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Title. This section shall be known and may be cited as the "Convenience Food Store Safety Ordinance."


    Definitions. When used in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning, the term "convenience food store" shall mean a business establishment that:


    Derives 50 percent or more of its gross income from the sale of goods, gasoline, merchandise or other articles of value in their original containers;


    Offers a limited quantity and variety of food, household and sundry items;


    Operates regularly during some portion of the time period between 8:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.; and


    Does not sell or have for sale prescription drug items.


    Regulations. All convenience food stores shall comply with the following regulations. The manager and owner of each such facility is charged with the responsibility for ensuring compliance and shall be the parties against whom any action for compliance shall be commenced.


    Windows shall not be tinted, posted with signs or otherwise covered so as to obstruct the view of the sales area and cash register. Signs posted in the windows are to be located so as to provide a clear and unobstructed view of the cash register and sales area from the street or parking area.


    The sales area is to be located so that the clerk and customer are visible from the street or parking area at the time of the sales transaction. Convenience stores existing as of March 22, 1990, shall not be required to renovate in order to comply with this provision.


    There shall be maintained at the convenience food store a drop safe or time release safe which is bolted to the floor or installed in the floor or weighs at least 500 pounds.


    The designated parking area of the convenience food store utilized by customers for parking shall be lighted.


    The convenience food store shall provide a security camera of a type and number approved by the county sheriff's department. Such camera shall be capable of producing a retrievable image on film or tape that can be made a permanent record and that can be enlarged through projection or other means. Cameras meeting the requirements of this section shall be maintained in proper working order at all times and shall be available for inspection by the county sheriff's department. If a crime occurs at a convenience food store, the sheriff's department shall be contacted and be responsible for retrieval, care and custody of the security camera film.


    Convenience food stores shall post a conspicuous sign or signs which shall provide:

    "The Cash Register has $50.00 or less in the drawer. The safe in the store is not accessible by the clerk on duty."

    This requirement shall be satisfied by the posting of the sign and does not require actual maintenance of $50.00 or less in the cash register drawer.


    All employees of convenience food stores shall be certified as having attended a robbery awareness program or employee training program approved by the county sheriff's department. Such certification shall occur prior to March 22, 1990, or within 90 days of an employee's employment, whichever is later.


    Each manager responsible for the operation of each convenience food store facility shall supply and keep current his office telephone number and his home telephone number with the office of the communications supervisor at the sheriff's office.


    A telephone shall be provided in the sales area and shall be accessible to the clerk.


    Penalties. Violation of this section shall be punishable as provided in section 1-6.

(Ord. No. 90-18, §§ 1—4, 3-22-90)

State law reference

Convenience stores generally, F.S. § 812.171 et seq.