§ 9-1. Enhanced 911 service.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The establishment of an enhanced 911 system in the county is declared to be a public purpose and for the benefit of the citizens of the county, as well as for visitors to the county.


    There is hereby imposed a monthly local option fee for nonrecurring and recurring charges for the provision of enhanced 911 service and equipment, in an amount established by resolution of the board of county commissioners, to be paid by the local exchange subscribers in the county.


    Any and all telephone companies serving any portion of Santa Rosa County (hereinafter called the telephone company), are hereby requested to collect said fee, as hereinabove set forth, from its subscribers in Santa Rosa County, Florida, the county paying to said telephone company an administrative fee equal to one percent of the fees collected by the telephone company. Said administrative fee shall be first deducted by the telephone company from the fees collected and the remainder of said fees collected shall be remitted to Santa Rosa County or retained by the telephone company and applied on the cost of said "Enhanced 911" service and equipment. In either event, the telephone company shall supply monthly to Santa Rosa County a statement as to fees collected. The telephone company shall have no obligation to take legal action to enforce collection of said fee.


    The county shall indemnify the telephone company against liability in accordance with the telephone company's lawfully filed tariffs.


    The county shall remain responsible to the telephone company for all enhanced 911 service and equipment charges.

(Ord. No. 87-42, §§ 1—5, 10-22-87; Ord. No. 2000-03, § 1, 3-8-00)

State law reference

Fee for 911 system authorized, F.S. § 365.171(13).

Cross reference

Taxation, ch. 20.