§ 11.08.00. Outdoor lighting standards and glare control to promote flight safety.  

Latest version.
  • 11.08.01 Purpose and intent.

    The purpose and intent of the provisions for the regulations of outdoor lighting within military and public airport environs is to reduce the potential for aircraft accidents related to pilot vision impairment or pilot confusion created by outdoor lighting.

    Accordingly, it is the intent of this Code to encourage outdoor lighting practices and systems that will minimize light pollution, glare, and flash illumination that may interfere with a pilot's or navigator's ability to control or navigate aircraft. The intent is also to promote optimum conditions for effective night-time military flight operations and ground training.

    11.08.02 Definitions.

    Fully shielded: For the purposes of this article, fully shielded shall mean an outdoor light fixture shielded in such a manner that all light emitted by the fixture, either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture, is projected below a horizontal plane extending from the bottom of the light fixture.

    Glare: The sensation produced within the visual field by luminance that is sufficiently greater than the luminance to which the eyes are adapted, causing annoyance, discomfort, or loss in visual performance and visibility.

    11.08.03 Prohibited lights or sources of glare.


    Countywide. The following lighting is prohibited in Santa Rosa County unless duly authorized as temporary lighting or issued a special event permit:


    When projected above a horizontal plane, beacons, search lights, laser source lights, strobe light, or any similar high intensity light used for promotional purposes.


    Laser light shows except as approved by the county through a special event permit.


    Public outdoor display of fireworks or pyrotechnics.


    Military Airport Zones (MAZ) or Public Airport Zones (PAZ). The following lighting or glare that can cause distraction, flash blindness, vision impairment, or visual interference while piloting or navigating an aircraft are prohibited within a MAZ or PAZ:


    Series, lines, rows, or patterns of lights, whether supported by cables or other physical means, or laid upon a ground or building, that may resemble navigational or flight safety aids, landing pads, or lighting common to general or military aviation.


    Lighting designed for the creation of sky glow to attract attention, in excess of the lighting used to provide safety, security, and utility.


    Outdoor floodlighting by flood light projection above the horizontal plane.


    Lighting fixtures and architectural detailing that use luminous tube lighting (neon, argon or krypton) on a building exterior or roof.


    Internally lit awnings.


    External illumination for signs.

    11.08.04 Lighting standards within military airport or public airport zones.

    The following standards apply to all non-military lands within an MAZ or PAZ, unless otherwise stated.


    Outdoor lighting limitation within MAZs. Outdoor lighting shall only be used to accommodate minimum illumination for general safety, security and utility within a MAZ, but shall not be used for outdoor public assembly, commercial sales, product display, industrial activities, or other uses occurring outdoors or outside an enclosed building.


    Outdoor recreation and commercial facilities. Outdoor lighting shall not be used to illuminate golf courses, golf practice driving ranges, and athletic fields or courts located within a Military Airport Zone or Public Airport Zone.


    Parking lot lighting standards. Lighting standards (poles) shall be sized in such a manner that the top of any luminary does not exceed 29 feet above adjacent grade. For all parking lots, outdoor lighting shall be fully shielded.


    Landscape, decorative, and architectural lighting.


    Luminaries used to illuminate flags, statues, steeples, monuments, and other tall narrow objects shall be illuminated with the type of luminary that directs the narrowest beam capable of illuminating the object.


    Lighting on buildings for aesthetic purposes shall be directed downward from the top. No lighting will be placed on buildings for aesthetic purposes except as may be exempt in this article for holiday seasons.


    Fixed lights, including street lights, must be fully shielded. All light fixtures that are required to be shielded shall be installed in such a manner that the shielding is effective as described Section 11.08.02, definitions, for fully or partially shielded fixtures. This section does not apply to individual single-family or duplex residential lots, including security lights installed by the electric utility provider that are mounted on poles in the right-of-way but are directed toward the residential lot. Unshielded street lights in place prior to July 2013 may be replaced by unshielded lights as needed for maintenance purposes.


    [Moveable lights.] Moveable lights, such as spot lights attached to infrared-sensitive cameras, must be mounted such that the lights cannot be directed higher than 20 degrees below the horizontal, measured from the center of the light beam.


    Automobile canopies. All luminaries mounted on the under surface of automobile canopies for service stations, drive-in restaurants, or other commercial or industrial uses shall be fully shielded and utilize flat glass or flat plastic (acrylic or polycarbonate) covers.

    11.08.05 Advertising signs.

    Within any MAZ or PAZ, outdoor internally illuminated advertising signs shall be constructed with an opaque background and translucent letters and symbols. (Opaque means that the material must not transmit light from an internal illumination source.) Such signs shall be turned off at 9:00 p.m. or when the business is closed, whichever is later.

    11.08.06. Outdoor lighting plan.

    Within a Military or Airport Influence Area, except as exempted herein, an outdoor lighting plan shall be submitted with a site plan or subdivision application for any non-residential use to determine compliance with the requirements of this article. The outdoor lighting plan shall be prepared by a professional engineer. Prior to approving a site plan or subdivision plan for which an outdoor lighting plan is required, the applicant must submit to the county a letter from the military installation indicating any comments or concerns.

    11.08.07. Exemptions.

    The following outdoor lighting is exempt from this article:


    Search lights, laser source lights, or any similar high-intensity lighting used in emergencies by police and fire personnel or at their direction; or for meteorological data gathering purposes undertaken with approval by the county.


    Airport lighting which is required for the safe and efficient movement of aircraft during flight, takeoff, landing, and taxiing is exempt from the provisions of this section. All other outdoor lighting at airport facilities shall comply with the provisions of this article.


    Holiday or decorative lights illuminated November 20 through January 15 each year, so long as such lights placed on property or buildings within a Military Airport Zone or Public Airport Zone are not determined to adversely affect pilot vision or comprehension.

    11.08.08. Nonconforming uses.

    Limitations which restrict non-conforming uses and/or non-complying buildings and structures in order to realize the legislative intent and purpose of this ordinance and the adopted Comprehensive Plan of Santa Rosa County shall adhere to and follow procedures and standards set forth in Article 9.

    11.08.09 Temporary lighting permits.

    Outdoor lighting which is inconsistent with this section may be allowed on a temporary basis for special events, construction activities, or temporary outdoor lighting needs for public assembly or public safety so long as the outdoor lighting does not create a potential distraction, flash blindness, vision impairment, or visual interference for aircraft pilots or navigators and would not cause a potential unreasonable risk for flight safety or interfere with any public or military airport operation or with ground activities at military installations.


    The planning director may grant a permit for temporary lighting, as defined herein, if he/she finds the following:


    The purpose for which the lighting is proposed is not intended to extend beyond thirty (30) days;


    The proposed lighting is designed in such a manner as to minimize light pollution and trespass as much as is feasible;


    The proposed lighting will comply with the general intent of this article;


    The permit will be in the public interest.


    The application for the temporary lighting permit shall include the following information:


    Name and address of applicant and property owner;


    Location of proposed fixtures;


    Type, wattage and lumen output of lamp(s);


    Type and shielding of proposed fixtures;


    Intended use of the lighting;


    Duration of time for requested exemption;


    The nature of the exemption;


    Such other information as the planning director may request.


    The planning director shall endeavor to rule on the application within five (5) business days from the date of submission of the request and notify the applicant in writing of his/her decision. The planning director may grant one (1) renewal of the permit for an additional thirty (30) days if he/she finds that, because of an unanticipated change in circumstances, a renewal would be in the public interest. The planning director is not authorized to grant more than one (1) temporary permit and one (1) renewal for a thirty (30) day period for the same property within one (1) calendar year.


    Prior to issuing a temporary outdoor lighting permit, the planning director shall consider comments and recommendations from the county airport manager or from the local military installations, as may be applicable.

(Ord. No. 2005-07, § 1, 4-14-05; Ord. No. 2013-15, § 1, 7-25-13)