§ 5.05.00. Quantitative methods for sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, recreation and open space.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of these regulations, ensuring that minimum standards are maintained requires calculation of existing capacity and planned new capacity or facilities less demand imposed by the planned development.

    5.05.01. Adding capacity.


    Add total capacity of existing facilities (sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, recreation and open space).


    Add to the above, total capacity of new facilities, or facility expansions that will result from planned activity. Capacity of new facilities shall be counted only under one (1) or more of the following conditions:


    Construction of the new facilities is underway at the time of the issuance of a final development order.


    The new facilities are the subject of a binding contract for the construction of the facilities or the provision of services at the time of issuance of the final development order.


    If the development application is for the redevelopment of improved property, add to the above the capacity created by the change in demand created by the redevelopment activity. Capacity credit shall be given for reduction in demand on facilities.

    5.05.02. Subtracting capacity.

    From the sum calculated above, subtract the following:


    The demand for the service or facility created by existing development as documented by the provider of such facility or in the foundation documents of the Comprehensive Plan plus the demand upon any new facility, expansions, or improvements anticipated as a result of the planned activity.


    Demand shall be calculated using the following adopted LOSs (all are minimum standards):


    Sanitary sewer—Ninety (90) gallons per capita per day.


    Solid waste—Six (6) pounds per capita per day.


    Drainage—Retain the first inch of run-off on site; post development run-off shall not exceed the pre-development run-off rate for all storm events, up to and including an event with a 24-hour duration, 100-year return frequency; post development run-off in constrained basins shall not exceed the pre-development run-off rate for a 10-year storm event during all storm events, up to and including an event with a 24-hour duration, 100-year return frequency; and post development runoff in closed basins shall be retained on-site for all storm events, up to and including the 24-hour duration, 100-year return frequency storm event.


    Potable water—One hundred (100) gallons per capita per day (average).


    Recreation and open space—Twenty (20) acres per one thousand (1,000) population.

    5.05.03. Deficient capacity.

    Where capacity is shown to be deficient, the following methods may be used to maintain adopted levels of service:


    The developer may agree to provide necessary capacity improvements to maintain levels of service.


    The planned activity may be reduced in scope so that demand does not exceed capacity.


    The developer may petition the county or service provider to provide required infrastructure to maintain LOS. This is to provide only an option for consideration by the county commission and service providers and the decision to approve such petition rests solely with the board of county commissioners and/or the officers of any infrastructure provider. Such a request, if financed from the Santa Rosa County General Fund, can be granted only under the following conditions:


    Planned activity will result in multiple benefits for the community whether economic, cultural, recreational or social.


    If such an expenditure is authorized, the resulting capacity improvement shall be available to any other developer who may have been previously denied a development order for an identical capacity deficiency (or deficiencies).

(Ord. No. 96-30, § 1, 10-24-96; Ord. No. 2004-10, § 1, 3-29-04; Ord. No. 2011-25, § 1, 9-22-11)