§ 8.14.00. Signs—Navarre Beach.  

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  • All signs constructed on Navarre Beach shall, in addition to other requirements in this article shall conform to the requirements herein below:


    All signs shall be constructed to withstand sustained winds of one hundred ten (110) miles per hour. Signs which do not remain intact in severe winds become projectiles causing severe damage to adjacent property.


    No sign shall be constructed which will be a possible safety hazard. Some ways which a sign may be a hazard are as follows:


    Danger of collapse.


    Obstruction of fire fighting or police activities.


    Creation of conditions which distract or confuse motorists or pedestrians.


    The maximum allowable sign face shall be fifty (50) square feet. If both sides are used this allows for one hundred (100) square feet of area to carry the message.


    Each place of business is entitled to one (1) sign notifying the public of the names and nature of the business. This sign must be located on the property which that business occupies. In the case of a property containing several businesses, a proliferation of signs will not be allowed.


    Earth tones shall be emphasized with primary colors being minimized and used only for accent. No gaudy colors will be allowed.


    Signs shall be removed when a business [is] no longer is located on those premises.


    Signs shall be kept clean and in good repair.


    No free standing sign shall be higher than twenty (20) feet above adjacent ground elevation. Attached signs shall not extend above the roof line.


    Landscaping around signs is encouraged.

    8.14.01. Prohibited signs.

    The following signs are prohibited either because they violate safety precautions or because by their un-attractiveness they reduce the overall value of Navarre Beach. Signs which will not be allowed are as follows:


    Any sign which by coloring, wording, location, or shape resembles or conflicts with a traffic control sign or device.


    Any sign or light which glares, flashes, moves, rotates, blinks, or reflects.


    Any sign which creates a safety hazard by obstructing clear view by pedestrians or vehicular traffic.




    Signs in right-of-way.


    Flagging, pennants, or banners, except as expressly approved for authorized, short-term civic events.


    Portable signs, either free-standing, A-frame or trailer mounted.


    Bare bulb illumination.


    Attention-getting devices, such as searchlights, propellers, spinners, streamers, balloons, or audio devices.


    Any sign posted, painted, or otherwise affixed to any rock, fence, tree or utility pole.


    Non-accessory signs attached to any craft or structure in or on a water body designed or used for the primary purpose of displaying advertisements. Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any craft or structure which displays an advertisement or business notice of its owner, so long as such craft or structure is engaged in the usual business or regular work of the owner, and not used merely, mainly or primarily to display advertisement.

    8.14.02. [Exemptions from permit.]

    The following signs are exempt from the permitting requirements as set forth herein:


    Contractor's signs. Each contractor is allowed a sign no larger than eight (8) square feet, which he may post on the construction site for advertising purpose. In the case of several contractors on a project, a proliferation of signs will not be allowed. Contractor's signs are allowed only on the site of construction and only during the period of actual construction.


    Real estate signs. Signs on offered property shall not exceed eight (8) square feet per face for residential property and sixteen (16) square feet per face for commercial property. Real estate signs shall be located only on the property offered. Only one (1) real estate sign per piece of property is permissible.


    Signs within a building. Such as in display windows or in completely enclosed portions of a building.


    Information signs.


    Signs not exceeding two (2) square feet which contain only noncommercial messages including designation of restrooms, telephone locations, restrictions on smoking, door openings, and private traffic control and parking signs.


    Permanent signs on vending machines, gas pumps, or ice containers indicating only the contents of the device.


    One sign per parking lot not to exceed three (3) square feet per sign face and six (6) feet in height identifying the business and providing driving and parking information.


    Public signs. Signs required or authorized for public purposes by any law, statute or ordinance.

(Ord. No. 93-22, § 1, 11-24-93; Ord. No. 96-30, § 1, 10-24-96)