§ 11.04.00. Military airport zones and surfaces.  

Latest version.
  • The following definitions describe special zones within, adjacent to or near a military airport. These special zones are used to protect specific airspace areas or specific ground areas within the military airport environ.


    Accident Potential Zone 1: Accident Potential Zone (APZ) 1 is an area beyond the clear zone that exhibits a measurable potential for accidents relative to the clear zone. The APZ may curve to follow flight tracks.


    Accident Potential Zone 2: APZ 2 is an area beyond APZ 1 that exhibits a measurable potential for aircraft accidents relative to APZ 1 or the clear zone. The APZ may curve to follow flight tracks.


    Approach Surface: The area longitudinally centered on each runway centerline, with an inner boundary two hundred (200) feet from the end of the runway and the same width as the primary surface then extending outward for a distance of fifty thousand (50,000) feet expanding uniformly in width to sixteen thousand (16,000) feet at the outer boundary. Height limits within the approach surface commence at the height of the runway end and increases at the rate of one (1) foot vertically for every fifty (50) feet horizontally for a distance of twenty-five thousand (25,000) feet at which point it remains level at five hundred (500) feet above airport elevation to the outer boundary.


    Clear Zone: The clear zone is an area immediately beyond the end of a runway and exhibits the greatest potential for occurrence of aircraft accidents.


    Conical surface: A surface extending from the periphery of the inner horizontal surface outward and upward at a slope of 20:1 for a horizontal distance of seven thousand (7,000) feet to a height of five hundred (500) feet above the established airfield clearance.


    Inner-horizontal surface: The area encompassing the runway, primary surface and clear zone with an outer perimeter formed by swinging arcs from the end of each runway centerline and connecting adjacent arcs by lines tangent to these arcs. The radius of the arcs are seven thousand five hundred (7,500) feet. No structure or obstruction will be permitted in the inner-horizontal surface of a greater height than one hundred fifty (150) feet above airport elevation.


    Military Airport Zone (MAZ): The Military Airport Zone (MAZ) is an overlay district providing regulatory measures and zoning standards to achieve land use compatibility and protection of public health and safety in the areas exposed to impacts generated by military flight or ground activities occurring at, near, or above military airports.

    For Naval Air Station Whiting Field North and South, and for Naval Outlying Landing Fields Spencer, Harold, Santa Rosa, Site X, and Pace, the MAZ boundaries extend one-half mile from the perimeter of each airfield and encompass all Air Installation Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) and noise zones. For NOLF Choctaw, MAZ boundaries are as depicted on the attached map which is incorporated as part of the MAZ overlay to the Zoning Map.

    For Eglin Air Force Base the MAZ (EAFB MAZ) boundary is as depicted on the attached map which is incorporated as part of the MAZ overlay to the zoning map.


    Military airport influence area (MAIA): An MAIA extends two (2) miles from a runway. It serves principally to addresses land uses and structure heights that may create potential threat to flight safety and operation for aircraft approaching or departing an airport or within a local flight pattern.


    Military Airport Notification Zone: Military Airport Notification Zones are those areas within which notification of airfield proximity is required when property is sold or leased. For Naval Air Station Whiting Field North and South the notification zone boundaries extend one mile from the perimeter of each airfield. For Naval Outlying Fields Spencer, Harold, Santa Rosa, Site X and Pace, the notification zone boundaries extend one-half mile from the perimeter of each airfield.

    For NOLF Choctaw, the notification zone boundaries encompass that area are as depicted on the attached map which is incorporated as part of the Notification Zones overlay to the Zoning Map. For Eglin Air Force Base, the notification zone boundaries encompass the EAFB MAZ and that area bounded by the East Bay River on the north; the Okaloosa County Line on the east; Santa Rosa Sound on the south; and the western boundary of sections 8, 16 and 21 - in township 2 South and range 26 west, and a line approximately 540 feet north of and parallel to the southern boundary of section 8 in township 2 South and range 26 west on the west.


    Noise contour: A line connecting points of similar day-night average sound levels measured from a specific noise source.


    Outer-horizontal surface: The area extending outward from the outer periphery of the conical surface is five hundred (500) feet above airport elevation.


    Primary surface: An area longitudinally centered on each runway and extending two hundred (200) feet beyond the runway end. The width of the primary surface varies for the type of aircraft accommodated as follows:


    Jets and large turbo-prop aircraft—One thousand five hundred (1,500) feet.


    Prop and small turbo-prop aircraft—One thousand (1,000) feet.


    Transitional surface: The area with an inner boundary formed by the side of the primary surface and the approach surface then extending outward at a right angle to the runway centerline and extended centerline until the height matches the adjoining inner horizontal surface, conical surface and outer horizontal surface height limit. The height limit at the inner boundary is the same as the height limit of the adjoining surface and increases at the rate of one (1) foot vertically for every seven (7) feet horizontally to the outer boundary of the transitional surface, where it again matches the height of the adjoining surface.

    (Ord. No. 2005-07, § 1, 4-14-05)

    11.04.01. Height limitations within military airport environs.


    Any property or area located in more than one (1) of the zones or surfaces described in this section shall be considered to be only in the zone or surface with the more restrictive height limitation.


    Except as otherwise provided, no structure shall be constructed or maintained, or tree permitted to grow within any zone or surface created or referenced herein in excess of the height limitations established herein. In addition, no structure or obstruction will be permitted within Santa Rosa County that could potentially change minimum obstruction clearance altitude, minimum descent altitude or a decision height.


    A structure will not exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height; or, if greater than thirty-five (35) feet in height, will not penetrate any existing or planned inner horizontal surface, conical surface, outer horizontal surface, approach clearance surface, or transitional surface established pursuant to FAR, Part 77, for military airports.


    A building, structure, use or tree that penetrates any imaginary surfaces or zones for military airports, as defined by Federal Aviation Regulation, Part 77, constitutes an obstruction. Height of buildings, structures, or trees within military airport environs shall not create an unreasonable threat to aircraft operations and safety. Height limitations established for each designated zones or surfaces for military airport environs are provided within Table 11-3.

    Table 11-3
    Height Restrictions for Military Airport Zones

    Structure Type Clear Zone APZ 1 APZ 2 MAZ MAIA
    Single Family Residential Structure Structure Not Allowed 35' 35' 35' 1
    Multiple Family Residential Structure Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed 1
    Non-Residential (Habitable Space) Structure Not Allowed 35' 50' 50' 1
    Non-Residential Facade (Non-habitable space), Steeples, Chimneys, Smoke Stacks Structure Not Allowed 35' 50' 50' 1
    Communication Towers/Radio or TV Transmission Towers Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed 150'
    Water Tower Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed 50'
    Above Ground Local Utility or Electric Service Lines, Small Wind Energy Systems Structure Not Allowed 50' rotary; 75' fixed wing 75' 150' 150'
    Regional Electric Transmission Lines Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed Structure Not Allowed 150' 150'


     Height restricted by applicable zoning category unless otherwise restricted by this ordinance.

     Rotary wing airfields are Spencer, Pace, Harold, Site X, and Santa Rosa. Fixed wing airfields are Whiting, Holley, and Choctaw.

     Utility or electric distribution or transmission lines in place prior to July 2013 that are non-conforming with regard to height may be replaced so long as the non-conformity is not increased.

    11.04.02. Use restrictions.

    Notwithstanding any provision of Article 6 of this ordinance, the permitted land use for any property within a Military Airport Zone or a Military Airport Influence Area shall be modified as set forth in Table 11-4.


    Any property or area located in more than one (1) of the zones or surfaces described in Section 11.04.00 shall be considered only in the zone or surface with the more restrictive or limited use.


    Incompatible uses or activities: Uses or activities determined to be incompatible with airport operations, or contribute to a potential threat to flight safety, are prohibited within the designated zone or surface. An "N" appearing under a zone or surface category in Table 11-4 means that the use or activity is incompatible and not allowed in that zone or area.


    Compatible uses or activities: Article 6 provides generalized description of permitted uses and activities for each zoning category. Table 11-4 provides a more detail description of uses and activities that are determined to be compatible with airport operations and aircraft flight safety. A "Y" appearing under a zone or surface category in Table 11-4 means that the use or activity is permitted if the property or area is assigned a zoning category pursuant to Article 6 and a future land use designation pursuant to the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan.


    Conditional uses or activities: The land uses permitted by Article Six are incompatible with and prohibited within a zone or surface except if such use complies with conditions or standards creating compatibility. A conditional use established under this section is only allowed where the underlying zoning allows such use pursuant to Article Six. Such uses or activities classified as a conditional use are denoted in Table 11-4 by a "C" under the applicable zone or surface. Conditional use criteria or additional development standards are described in Section 11.04.03.

    Table 11-4
    Potential Compatible Uses within Military Airport Zones

    Land Use CZ APZ 1 APZ 2 MAZ MAIA
    Single Family Dwelling N C,1 C,2 Y Y
    Multifamily Dwellings, Including Duplexes N N N N Y
    Transient Lodging Including Hotels And Group Quarters N N N Y Y
    Food And Kindred Products; N N N Y Y
    Textile Mill Products N N N Y Y
    Any Use Industrial Activity Generating Smoke Or Steam Reaching 150 Feet Above Ground Level N N N N C
    Apparel & Other Finished Products Made From Fabrics and Similar Material N N N Y Y
    Chemicals & Allied Products N N C C C
    Petroleum Refining & Related Industries N N C C C
    Rubber & Misc. Plastic Products N N C C C
    Lumber & Wood Products; Furniture & Fixtures; Paper And Allied Products; Printing & Publishing; Stone, Clay & Glass Products; Primary Metal Industries; Fabricated Metal Products; Product Assembly; Motor Freight; N N Y Y Y
    Professional, Scientific & Control Instruments N N N Y Y
    Printing And Publishing N Y Y Y Y
    Aerospace Products, Parts Manufacturing, Or Related Activities N N C Y Y
    Warehousing And Storage Services N Y Y Y Y
    Hospitals, Medical Offices, Nursing Homes N N N C,4 Y
    Communications And Utilities
    Telecommunication Towers N N N N Y
    Water Impoundments; Wet Stormwater Ponds N C C Y Y
    Aviaries; Pigeonry Including Pigeon Lofts Or Racing N N N N Y
    Outdoor Aquaculture And Fish Hatcheries N N N C,13 Y
    Agriculture Except Livestock Y Y Y Y Y
    Livestock Farming; Animal Productions; Animal Breeding; Kennels N C,5 C,5 Y Y
    Crop Farming Requiring Soil Disturbance N Y Y Y Y
    Forestry Activities N C Y Y Y
    Exotic Farm Animals (Ostrich, Emus, Alpaca, etc.) N N N N Y
    Mining And Extraction
    Mining Activities (Including Borrow Pits) N Y Y Y Y
    Commercial/Retail Trade
    Wholesale Trade; Building Material; Hardware; Farm Equipment (Retail); Auto, Marine, Aviation (Retail) N Y,9 Y,9 Y Y
    General Merchandise (Retail); Food Retail; Apparel And Accessories(Retail); Shopping Centers N N Y,10 Y Y
    Furniture; Home Furnishings (Retail) N N C Y Y
    Eating & Drinking Establishments, including Outdoor Food Vendors N N Y Y Y
    Fire Work Sales N N N Y Y
    Personal & Business Services
    Finance; Real Estate; Insurance; Personal Services; Business Services; Professional Services; Indoor Recreation Services N N Y,11 Y Y
    Repair Services; Contract Construction Services N Y,12 Y,12 Y Y
    Automobile Service Stations N N Y Y Y
    Wetland Mitigation N N N Y Y
    Nature Exhibits, Zoos N N N Y Y
    Public, Public Assembly, Quasi-Public Services
    Government Services N N N Y Y
    Educational Services (Including Private Schools); Cultural Activities; Libraries N N N C Y
    Civic Or Non-Profit Social Organizations N N Y Y Y
    Cemeteries N Y Y Y Y
    Religious Buildings; Chapels N N N Y Y
    Public Assembly N N N N Y
    Outdoor Recreation And Entertainment
    Playground; Neighborhood Parks N C C Y Y
    Community & Regional Parks N N N Y Y
    Spectator Sports Including Arenas Or Stadiums N N N Y Y
    Golf Courses; Driving Ranges (no lighted facilities allowed) N N Y Y Y
    Lighted Golf Courses; Driving Ranges N N N N Y
    Riding Stables; Equestrian Facilities N N N Y Y
    Entertainment Assembly; Amphitheater; Music Shell N N N N Y
    Amusement Or Theme Parks; Miniature Golf, Go-Carts N N Y Y Y
    Resorts And Campgrounds; RV Parks N N N Y Y
    Outdoor Gun Clubs, Shooting Or Archery Ranges N N N N C
    Movie Theatres, Live Theatre, Auditoriums, Concert Halls N N N N Y
    Outdoor Movie Theatres, Light/Laser Shows N N N N C
    Transportation, Communication And Utilities
    Wet stormwater ponds N N N N Y
    Railroads N Y Y Y Y
    Automobile Or Truck Parking N C Y Y Y
    Unpaved Local Streets C Y Y Y Y
    Highways And Paved Streets N C Y Y Y
    Solid Waste Disposal (Landfills, Incineration, Etc.) N N N N N
    Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Disposal Facilities N N N N,8 Y
    Land Clearing Debris Disposal Facilities N N N N,8 Y



    Density limited to one unit per five acres. Subdivision design and building location may be subject to Article 4.


    Density not to exceed two units per one acre or existing zoning density, whichever is less. Subdivision design and building location may be subject to Article [4].


    No more than four units per individual building.


    Must be located outside any existing or future noise zone with a 55 DNL or greater.


    Grazing allowed but feedlots and intensive stock yards are prohibited.


    [Intentionally left blank.]


    [Intentionally left blank.]


    C&D and LCD disposal facilities may be allowed with rezoning approval within that portion of the NOLF Choctaw MAZ located east of Highway 87S.


    Uses permitted within APZ-1 and APZ-2 subject to the following maximum Floor Area Ratios

    Wholesale Trade - FAR 0.28 in APZ-1 and 0.56 in APZ-2

    Auto, Marine, Aviation (Retail) - FAR of 0.14 in APZ-1 and 0.28 in APZ-2

    Lumber yards - FAR 0.20 in APZ-1 and 0.40 in APZ-2

    Hardware/paint and farm equipment stores - FAR 0.12 in APZ-1 and 0.24 in APZ-2


    Uses permitted within APZ-2 with a maximum FAR of 0.16


    Uses permitted within APZ-2 with a maximum FAR of 0.22


    Uses permitted within APZ-1 and APZ-2 subject to the following maximum Floor Area Ratios FAR 0.11 in APZ-1 and 0.22 in APZ-2


    Must identify actions to be taken to avoid the concentration of birds which would create a hazard to aircraft operations.

    Abbreviations/Acronyms for Table 11-4:

    CZ—Clear zone for a military airport or airfield

    APZ 1—Accident potential zone category one

    APZ 2—Accident potential zone category two

    MAIA—Military Airport Influence Area

    11.04.03. Conditional use criteria.

    This section is to be used with Table 11-4 for the purposes of placing regulatory conditions on proposed development or uses to establish land use compatibility with military airport operations. This criteria is to be applied to those land uses denoted under a zone or surface as a conditional use.


    The site size, dimensions, location, topography and access are adequate for the needs of the proposed use, considering the proposed building mass, parking, and traffic as well as noise, vibration, odor or dust generated by military airport or ground activities.


    Noise, vibration, odor or dust generated by military airport or ground activities can be can be mitigated through application of other Code standards, or other reasonable conditions of approval.


    The negative impacts of the proposed use on aircraft flight safety and on the use of airport facilities can be mitigated through application of other Code standards, or other reasonable conditions of approval. A property owner demonstrates that exhaust, emissions, light, glare, dust will not reduce the effective use of the airport or increase risk for hazards or accidents within the Public Airport Zone.


    All required public facilities have adequate capacity to serve the proposal.


    The use is not located underneath the normal entry or departure flight track within the MAZ.


    Within zone B1 for OLF Spencer, one (1) single family dwelling may be constructed on a lot which was of record or subject to a written contract for purchase as of September 1, 2002, despite the fact that it does not conform with the minimum lot requirements set forth in Table 11-4, providing that all other applicable regulations and ordinances are complied with. The location of any single family home constructed on such nonconforming lot shall be reviewed and approved by the planning department so as to minimize airport hazards.

(Ord. No. 2005-07, § 1, 4-14-05; Ord. No. 2006-04, § 1, 2-15-06; Ord. No. 2007-18, § 1, 6-28-07; Ord. No. 2010-23, § 1, 8-26-10; Ord. No. 2011-05, 4-28-11; Ord. No. 2011-19, § 1, 7-28-11; Ord. No. 2013-15, § 1, 7-25-13; Ord. No. 2013-25, § 1, 12-12-13; Ord. No. 2015-02, § 1, 1-22-15; Ord. No. 2017-08 , § 1, 4-27-17)