§ 2.11.00. Navarre Area Architectural Review Board.  

Latest version.
  • A Navarre Area Architectural Review Board shall be established by the board of county commissioners. Any new development or redevelopment requiring site plan or plat approval within the Heart of Navarre Overlay District, including the Navarre Town Center Zoning Districts, shall be presented to this Board for review and approval prior to the issuance of any county development orders or building permits.


    Membership: The architectural review board shall be composed of the following members:


    Five (5) voting members appointed by the board of county commissioners.


    One (1) of which owns property in the Town Center District.


    One (1) of which owns property in the Heart of Navarre District.


    One (1) of which resides in the Navarre Area as defined in the Navarre Town Center Plan (October 2004), and


    Two (2) of which have architectural design or construction experience.

    All members shall be residents of Santa Rosa County.


    Adviser: The County Planning and Zoning Director or the director's designee shall be the adviser and staff to the board.


    Term of office, vacancies: removal from office: Members shall be appointed for a term of four (4) years except in the case of a re-appointment to fill a vacancy for the remainder of the four (4) year period in which event the appointment shall be for the unexpired term only. The initial term for two (2) members shall be three (3) years and the initial term for three (3) members shall be four (4) years. At the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners, any member may be reappointed for consecutive terms. Any member of the board may be removed from office without cause by the Board of County Commissioners.


    Officers: The board shall elect from among its members a chairman and vice chairman. The terms of officers shall be one (1) year, with eligibility for re-election, and officers shall serve until their successors are selected and qualified.


    Duties: The purpose of the board shall be to ensure that all development and redevelopment of existing sites adheres to the architectural standards outlined in this Code for the Heart of Navarre Overlay district and Navarre Town Center zoning districts. It shall review based on the standards herein and the intent of the Navarre Town Center Plan. Its mission is to preserve and enhance the aesthetic integrity of the Navarre Community, thereby improving the quality of life for its residents.


    Procedure for submission of plans: All new development and all modifications to existing development to a building located or to be located in the Town Center Districts or Heart of Navarre Overlay District shall be accompanied by plans for the proposed work. Such plans shall be submitted by the applicant to the Planning and Zoning Department at least ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled meeting for which the applicant would like the project presented.

    The applicant shall be notified of the time, date and place of the meeting. The applicant or their authorized agent shall appear at the meeting in order for the request to be considered by the board.


    Review and decision: The board shall promptly review such plans and shall render its decision. If the board approves the plans, the applicant may then submit plans to the county for development review. If the board disapproves the plans they shall be resubmitted to the Planning and Zoning Department with the necessary changes for consideration by the board at a subsequent meeting.


    Voting: All decisions may be rendered by a simple majority of the board members present and voting.


    Appeals: Any person aggrieved by a decision of the board may within thirty (30) days thereafter, appeal the decision to the Board of County Commissioners. Appeals must be in writing and submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department.

(Ord. No. 2005-13, § 1, 6-6-05)